Prof. Uhlmann has over 30,000 citations (src: Google Scholar) with high-impact publications spanning many areas of engineering, computer science, and mathematics.

Selected Publications

"Optimal Structured Matrix Approximation for Robustness to Incomplete Biosequence Data," Chris Salahub and Jeffrey Uhlmann, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, PubMed ID: 38949937, 2024. 

"Tensor Completion with Provable Consistency and Fairness Guarantees for Recommender Systems," Tung D. Nguyen and Jeffrey Uhlmann, ACM Transactions on Recommender Systems, September, Vol. 1 (3), 2023.

"Generalizing Frobenius Inversion to Quaternion Matrices," Q. Chen, Jeffrey Uhlmann, Ke Ye, Numerical Algorithms, (Springer), 2023.

Class of finite-dimensional matrices with diagonals that majorize their spectrum,” Jeffrey Uhlmann, Special Matrices (De Gruyter), 11(1), 2023.

"A cautionary example relating to the interpretation of numerical computations," Jeffrey Uhlmann, The Mathematical Gazette, The Mathematical Association (Cambridge University Press),107:29, 2023.

"Predicting opioid use disorder before and after the opioid prescribing peak in the United States: A machine learning tool using electronic healthcare records." Banks TJ, Nguyen TD, Uhlmann JK, Nair SS, Scherrer JF. Health Informatics Journal, 29(2), 2023.

"Gaussianity and the Kalman Filter: A Simple Yet Complicated Relationship," Jeffrey Uhlmann and Simon Julier, Journal de Ciencia e Ingeniería, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 21-26, 2022.

On Radically Expanding the Landscape of Potential Applications for Automated‑Proof Methods,” Jeffrey Uhlmann and Jie Wang, SN Computer Science, (Springer Nature), 2:259, 2021.

"On Use of the Moore-Penrose Pseudoinverse for Evaluating the RGA of Non-Square Systems," Rafal Qasim Al Yousuf and Jeffrey Uhlmann, Iraqi Journal of Computers, Communications, Control & Systems Engineering (IJCCCE), Vol. 3:21, pp. 89-97, DOI:10.33103/uot.ijccce.21.3.8, 2021. 

"Canonical Tensor Scaling," Tung Nguyen and Jeffrey Uhlmann, Journal de Ciencia e Ingeniería, Vol. 13:1, DOI: 10.46571/JCI.2021.1.2, 2021. 

"Examining LDA2Vec and Tweet Pooling for Topic Modeling on Twitter Data," Kristofferson Culmer and Jeffrey Uhlmann, WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION SCIENCE AND APPLICATIONS, Vol. 18, 102-114, DOI: 10.37394/23209.2021.18.13, 2021. 

“Opportunities and Challenges of Quantum Radar,” M. Lanzagorta and J. Uhlmann,  IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine, Vol. 35:11, Nov., 2020.

“On the Monotonic Lagrangian Grid as Antecedent to the Neighborhood Grid,” Jeffrey Uhlmann, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, Volume 142, 2020.

Algorithmic Adaptation and Generalization of Physically-Constrained Games,” Jeffrey Uhlmann, Entertainment Computing, (Elsevier), Vol. 36, 2020.

Examining a Mixed Inverse Approach for Stable Control of a Rover,” Bo Zhang and Jeffrey Uhlmann, International Journal of Control Systems and Robotics, (companion to 2019 ASME paper), 5, 1-7, 2020.

“Configuration-Dependent Characteristics of Virtual-Mode Quantum Sensing Systems,” Marco Lanzagorta and Jeffrey Uhlmann, IEEE International RADAR Conference (RADAR 2020), Washington DC, USA, 27 April – 1 May, 2020.

Assessing Feasibility of Secure Quantum Communications Involving Underwater Assets,” Marco Lanzagorta and Jeffrey Uhlmann, IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, 99:1-10, 2019.

Applying a Unit-Consistent Generalized Matrix Inverse for Stable Control of Robotic Systems,” Bo Zhang and Jeffrey Uhlmann, ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 11:3, 2019.

“On the Relative Gain Array (RGA) with Singular and Rectangular Matrices,” Jeffrey Uhlmann, Applied Mathematics Letters, 93, 2019.

“Overview of the Current State of Quantum-Based Technologies,” Marco Lanzagorta and Jeffrey Uhlmann, Marine Technology Society Journal,  53:5, 2019.

“A Product-Based Binary Number System,” Jeffrey Uhlmann, Applied and Computational Mathematics, 7:5, 2019.

Expression of a Real Matrix as a Difference of a Matrix and its Transpose Inverse,” Mil Mascaras and Jeffrey Uhlmann, Journal de Ciencia e Ingenierí, 11(1), 2019.

“Visual storytelling authentication,” CR Shyu, H. Cao, M. Klaric, J. Uhlmann, US Patent 10467400, (Nov 5 2019).

“A Matrix-Vector Construction of the Algebra of Complex Numbers,” Jeffrey Uhlmann, Applied and Computational Mathematics, 8:1, 2019.

A Method for Real-Time Interpolation of Packet-Loss Blocks in Streaming Video,” Rumana Aktar, K. Palaniappan, and Jeffrey Uhlmann, Proceedings of 48th Annual IEEE AIPR 2019 (Washington, DC), 6 October, 2019.

A Generalized Matrix Inverse that is Consistent with Respect to Diagonal Transformations,” Jeffrey Uhlmann, SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis, Vol. 239, No. 2, pp. 781-800, 2018.

Theoretical Foundations for Design of a Quantum Wigner Interferometer,” M. Lanzagorta and J. Uhlmann, IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, ISSN: 1558-1713, Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/JQE.2018.2884770, 2018.

Applications of Single-Operator Edit Distances for Permuted Sequences,” Jeffrey Uhlmann, Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol. 116, 2018.

“Considerations on Quantum-Based Methods for Communication Security,” Jeffrey Uhlmann, Paper accompanying invited presentation to the National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC, August 23rd, 2018.

A Rank-Preserving Generalized Matrix Inverse for Consistency with Respect to Similarity,” Jeffrey Uhlmann, IEEE Control Systems Letters, ISSN: 2475-1456, 2018.

A Canonical Image Set for Examining and Comparing Image Processing Algorithms,” Jeffrey Uhlmann, Journal of Image and Graphics, Volume 6, No. 2, 2018.

Virtual Modes for Quantum Illumination,” Marco Lanzagorta and Jeffrey Uhlmann, IEEE Conference on Antennas & Applications (CAMA), Vasteras, Sweden, 2018.

A Generalized Matrix Inverse with Applications to Robotic Systems,” Bo Zhang and Jeffrey Uhlmann, (arXiv preprint for paper under journal review), 2018.

“Quantum Imaging in the Maritime Environment”, M. Lanzagorta and Jeffrey Uhlmann, MTS/IEEE Oceans Conference, (Anchorage, Alaska), 2017.

“In-Memory Distributed Indexing for Large-Scale Media Data Retrieval”, Y. Ma, G. Scott, J. Uhlmann, CR Shyu, 19th IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM2017), 2017.

“Passive ghost imaging using caustics modeling”, M. Zhao, J. Uhlmann, M. Lanzagorta, J. Kanugo, A. Parashar, O. Jitrik, S. Venegas-Andraca, Signal Processing, Sensor/Information Fusion, and Target Recognition XXVI, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 10200, 2017.

“The Lemur Conjecture”, M. Lanzagorta, O. Jitrik, J. Uhlmann, S. Venegas-Andraca, Signal Processing, Sensor/Information Fusion, and Target Recognition XXVI, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 10200, 2017.

“Data fusion in entangled networks of quantum sensors”, M. Lanzagorta, O. Jitrik, J. Uhlmann, S. Venegas-Andraca, Signal Processing, Sensor/Information Fusion, and Target Recognition XXVI, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 10200, 2017.

“Quantum Geodesy”, M. Lanzagorta, O. Jitrik, J. Uhlmann, S. Venegas-Andraca, Signal Processing, Sensor/Information Fusion, and Target Recognition XXVI, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 10200, 2017.

“Quantum Synthetic Aperture Radar (QSAR)”, M. Lanzagorta, O. Jitrik, J. Uhlmann, S. Venegas-Andraca, Signal Processing, Sensor/Information Fusion, and Target Recognition XXVI, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 10200, 2017.

“Orthogonal Vector Interpolation (OVI) for Aesthetic Image Transformations,” W. Starms and J. Uhlmann, Journal of Image and Graphics, Vol. 5:2, 2017.

Quantum Computational Complexity in Curved Spacetime,” (2016), Marco Lanzagorta and Jeffrey Uhlmann, published as book chapter in World Scientific Series in Information Studies, Volume 6, 2016.

“Improving Quantum Sensing with Virtual Modes,” Marco Lanzagorta, Jeffrey Uhlmann, and Truc Le, Proc. SPIE Radar Sensor Technology XX, Vol. 9829, May 2016.

“Quantum computation of the electromagnetic cross section of dielectric targets,” Marco Lanzagorta, Jeffrey Uhlmann, and Seth Wiesman, Proc. SPIE Radar Sensor Technology XX, Vol. 9829, May 2016.

“Clutter Attenuation using the Doppler Effect in Standoff Electromagnetic Quantum Sensing,” Marco Lanzagorta, Jeffrey Uhlmann, Oliverio Jitrik, and Salvador Venegas, Proc. SPIE Radar Sensor Technology XX, Vol. 9829, May 2016.

“Quantum Seismography,” Marco Lanzagorta, Oliverio Jitrik, Jeffrey Uhlmann, and Salvador Venegas, Proc. SPIE Radar Sensor Technology XX, Vol. 9829, May 2016.

Quantum Communications in the Maritime Environment,” J. Uhlmann, M. Lanzagorta, and S. Venegas-Andraca, Proceedings of the MTS/IEEE Oceans Conference, Washington, DC, Oct. 19-22, 2015.

Maritime Applications of Quantum Computation,” S. Venegas-Andraca, M. Lanzagorta, and J. Uhlmann, Proceedings of the MTS/IEEE Oceans Conference, Washington, DC, Oct. 19-22, 2015.

Quantum Sensing in Maritime Environments,” M. Lanzagorta, J. Uhlmann, and S. Venegas-Andraca, Proceedings of the MTS/IEEE Oceans Conference, Washington, DC, Oct. 19-22, 2015.

Space-Based Quantum Sensing for Low-Power Detection of Small Targets,” Proceedings of the SPIE Conference on Radar Sensor Technology XIX, M. Lanzagorta and J. Uhlmann, Paper 9461-41, Baltimore, MD, 2015.

Gap-Measure Tests with Applications to Data Integrity Verification,” Truc Le and Jeffrey Uhlmann, Statistics Research Letters, vol. 4, 2015.

Robustness of Wilks’ Conservative Estimate of Confidence Intervals,” J.P. Hessling and Jeffrey Uhlmann, International Journal for Uncertainty Quantification, 5(6), pp. 569–583, 2015.

“Error Scaling in Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computing,” M. Lanzagorta and Jeffrey Uhlmann, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 219 (1), 2012.

On the Equivalence of the General Covariance Union (GCU) and Minimum Enclosing Ellipsoid (MEE) Problems,” Ottmar Bochardt and Jeffrey Uhlmann, Proceedings of Lucharama-2011, 2011.

“Quantum Algorithmic Methods for Computational Geometry,” M. Lanzagorta and Jeffrey Uhlmann, Mathematical Structures in Computer Science, 20: 1117-1125 Cambridge University Press, 2010.

Quantum Computer Science, Marco Lanzagorta and Jeffrey Uhlmann, Morgan & Claypool Publishers, 2009.

Jeffrey Uhlmann. Introduction to the Algorithmics of Data Association in Multiple-Target Tracking. In M. Liggins, D. Holland, J. Llinas, editors, Handbook of multisensor data fusion: theory and practice, 2nd edition, chapter 4. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Fl, USA, 2009.

Jeffrey Uhlmann. Introduction to the Combinatorics of Optimal and Approximate Data Association. In M. Liggins, D. Holland, J. Llinas, editors, Handbook of multisensor data fusion: theory and practice, 2nd edition, chapter 11. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Fl, USA, 2009.

Simon Julier and Jeffrey Uhlmann. General decentralized data fusion with Covariance Intersection (CI). In M. Liggins, D. Holland, J. Llinas, editors, Handbook of multisensor data fusion: theory and practice, 2nd edition, chapter 14. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Fl, USA, 2009.

Simon Julier and Jeffrey Uhlmann. Data Fusion in Nonlinear Systems. In M. Liggins, D. Holland, J. Llinas, editors, Handbook of multisensor data fusion: theory and practice, 2nd edition, chapter 15. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Fl, USA, 2009.

“Finite temperature quantum algorithm and majorization”, D. Ghoshal, R.B. Gomez, M. Lanzagorta, J. Uhlmann, Quantum Information and Computation VI, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 6976, 2008.

“Is quantum parallelism real?”, M. Lanzagorta and J. Uhlmann, Quantum Information and Computation VI, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 6976, 2008.

“Finite Temperature Quantum Entanglement”, D. Ghoshal, R. Gomez, M. Lanzagorta, J. Uhlmann, Proc. SPIE Quantum Information and Computation V, Vol. 6573, 2007.

“Using Covariance Intersection for SLAM,” S. J. Julier and J. K. Uhlmann, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 55(1):3-20, January 2007.

“Ray Queries with Wide Object Isolation and the DE-Tree”, by Miguel R. Zuniga and Jeffrey K. Uhlmann, Journal of Graphics Tools, Vol. 12, 2006.

“Using Exponential Mixture Models for Suboptimal Distributed Data Fusion,” S. J. Julier, T. Bailey and J. K. Uhlmann, IEEE Nonlinear Statistical Signal Processing Workshop, Cambridge, UK 13 – 15 September, 2006.

“Generalized Information Representation and Compression Using Covariance Union,” O. Bochardt, R. Calhoun, J. K. Uhlmann and S. J. Julier, Proceedings of the 2006 FUSION Conference, Florence, Italy, 10 – 13 July, 2006.

“The Challenge of Scalable and Distributed Fusion of Disparate Sources of Information,” S.J. Julier, J. K. Uhlmann, J. Walters, M. Mittu and K. Palaniappan, Proceedings of the Multisensor, Multisource Information Fusion: Architectures, Algorithms, and Applications Conference, SPIE Defense and Security Symposium, Orlando, FL, 17 – 20 April 2006.

“Finite Temperature Quantum Logic”, D. Ghoshal, R. Gomez, M. Lanzagorta, J. Uhlmann, Proc. SPIE Quantum Information and Computation IV, Vol. 6244, 2006.

“Some Thoughts Regarding Practical Quantum Computing”, D. Ghoshal, R. Gomez, M. Lanzagorta, J. Uhlmann, American Physical Society, VPR-3-06, 2006.

“A New Algorithm for Multiple Hypothesis-based Tracking and Discovery of Potentially Hazardous Near Earth Objects”, A Palaniappan, JN Heasley, JK Uhlmann, K Palaniappan, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 37, 1414, 2005.

“Fusion of Time Delayed Measurements with Uncertain Time Delays,” Simon Julier and Jeffrey Uhlmann, Proceedings of the American Control Conference, Portland, OR, 2005.

“A Decentralized Data Fusion Architecture for Horizontal Integration of Intelligence Data,” Sheldon Gardner and Jeffrey Uhlmann, Proceedings of the 2005 International Conference on Intelligence Analysis), 2005.

“Hybrid Quantum Computing,” Marco Lanzagorta and Jeffrey Uhlmann, Proceedings of the 2005 SPIE Quantum Information and Computation Conference, Vol. 5815, March 2005.

“Matrix Permanent Inequalities for Approximating Joint Assignment Matrices in Tracking Systems,” Jeffrey Uhlmann, Journal of the Franklin Institute, Vol. 341, Issue 7, Nov., 2004.

“Unscented Filtering and Nonlinear Estimation,” Simon Julier and Jeffrey Uhlmann, invited paper for Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol. 92:3, pp. 401-422, March 2004.

“An Anonymous File Sharing System using Group Anonymity,” Shivkumar Krishnan and Jeffrey Uhlmann, Journal of Information and Software Technology, Vol. 46:4, pp. 273-278, 2004.

“A Method for Dealing with Assignment Ambiguity,” Simon Julier and Jeffrey Uhlmann, Proceedings of the American Control Conference, Boston, MA, 2004.

“Quantum Computational Geometry,” Marco Lanzagorta and Jeffrey Uhlmann, Proceedings of the 2004 SPIE Quantum Information and Computation Conference, Vol. 5436-45, April 2004.

Covariance Consistency Methods for Fault-Tolerant Distributed Data Fusion,” Jeffrey Uhlmann, Information Fusion Journal, Vol. 4:3, Pages 201-215, September, 2003.

“Using Multiple SLAM Algorithms,” Simon Julier and Jeffrey Uhlmann, Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ Intl. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Las Vegas, NV, October 2003.

“Extensor-Based Image Interpolation,” K. Palaniappan, J. Uhlmann, and D. Li, Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Image Processing, 2003.

“Quantum Rendering,” Marco Lanzagorta, George Gomez, and Jeffrey Uhlmann, Proceedings of the 2003 SPIE Quantum Information and Computation Conference, Vol. 5105, April 2003.

“Scalable Distributed Data Fusion,” D. Nicholson, C.M. Lloyd, S.J. Julier, and J.K. Uhlmann, ISIF/IEEE Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Information Fusion, Annapolis, MD, 2002.

Reduced sigma point filters for the propagation of means and covariances through nonlinear transformations,” Simon J Julier and Jeffrey K Uhlmann, Proceedings of the 2002 American Control Conference (IEEE Cat. No. CH37301), 2002.

“A Counter Example to the Theory of Simultaneous Localization and Map Building,” Simon Julier and Jeffrey Uhlmann, International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2001.

“Simultaneous Localisation and Map Building Using Split Covariance Intersection,” Simon Julier and Jeffrey Uhlmann, Proceedings of IROS 2001, 11/2001.

“Building a Million-Beacon Map,” Simon Julier and Jeffrey Uhlmann, Proceedings of ISAM Conference on Intelligent Systems for Manufacturing, SPIE, 10/2001.

Jeffrey Uhlmann, “Introduction to the Algorithmics of Data Association in Multiple-Target Tracking,” (in D. Holland and J. Llinas, editors, Handbook of Multisensor Data Fusion), chapter 3. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Fl, USA, 2001.

Jeffrey Uhlmann, “Introduction to the Combinatorics of Optimal and Approximate Data Association,” (in D. Holland and J. Llinas, Handbook of Multisensor Data Fusion), chapter 9. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Fl, USA, 2001.

Simon Julier and Jeffrey Uhlmann, “General decentralized data fusion with Covariance Intersection (CI),” (in D. Holland and J. Llinas, editors, Handbook of Multisensor Data Fusion), chapter 12. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Fl, USA, 2001.

Simon Julier and Jeffrey Uhlmann, “Data Fusion in Nonlinear Systems,” (in D. Holland and J. Llinas, Handbook of Multisensor Data Fusion), chapter 13. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Fl, USA, 2001.

“A New Method for the Nonlinear Transformation of Means and Covariances in Nonlinear Filters,” Simon Julier and Jeffrey Uhlmann, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2000.

“A Computational Steering System for Studying Microwave Interactions with Space-Borne Bodies,” J. E. Swan II, M. Lanzagorta, E. Kuo, J. Uhlmann, W. Anderson, W. Smith, IEEE Visualization, 2000.

“Real Time Distributed Map Building in Large Environments,” Simon Julier and Jeffrey Uhlmann, Sensor Fusion in Robotic Systems III, SPIE vol 4196, 2000.

“NASA Mars Rover: A Testbed for Evaluating Applications of Covariance Intersection,” Jeffrey Uhlmann et al., Proceedings of the 1999 SPIE Conference on Unmanned Ground Vehicle Technology, Vol. 3693, 1999.

“Remote Battlefield Observer Technology (REBOT),” Marco Lanzagorta, Jeffrey Uhlmann, et al., Proceedings of the 1999 SPIE Aerosense Conference.

“Goal Oriented Computational Steering,” W. Smith, W. Anderson, M. Haftel, M. Rosen, and J. Uhlmann, Proceedings of the 1999 SPIE Conference on Enabling Technology for Simulation, Vol. 3696, 1999.

An Efficient Algorithm for Computing Least Cost Paths with Turn Constraints,” Ali Boroujerdi and Jeffrey Uhlmann, Information Processing Letters, 1998.

“GROTTO Visualization for Decision Support,” Marco Lanzagorta, Eddy Kuo, and Jeffrey Uhlmann, Proceedings of the 1998 SPIE Aerosense Conference, 1998.

“Routing and Advanced Display Technologies within STOMPM,” Ranjeev Mittu, Jeffrey Uhlmann, and Justin McCune, Proceedings of the 1998 SPIE Conference on Robotic and Semi-Robotic Ground Vehicle Technology, Vol. 3366, 1998.

Empirical Analysis of New Methods for Computing Minimum Cost Paths with Turn Constraints,” Ali Boroujerdi and Jeffrey Uhlmann, Proceedings of the 1998 SPIE Conference on Robotic and Semi-Robotic Ground Vehicle Technology, Vol. 3366, 1998.

“RAGE visualization for situational awareness in hostage rescue operations,” Marco Lanzagorta, Eddy Kuo, Simon Julier, and Jeffrey Uhlmann, Proceedings of SPIE Photonics East (vol. 3575), 1998.

“A Nondivergent Estimation Algorithm in the Presence of Unknown Correlations,” Simon Julier and Jeffrey Uhlmann, Proceedings of the 1997 American Control Conference, 1997.

“A Suboptimal Algorithm for Automatic Map Building,” Michael Csorba and Jeffrey Uhlmann, Proceedings of the 1997 American Control Conference, 1997.

“Nondivergent Simultaneous Map Building and Localization using Covariance Intersection,” Jeffrey Uhlmann, S. Julier, and M. Csorba, Proceedings of the 1997 SPIE Conference on Navigation and Control Technologies for Unmanned Vehicles, Vol. 3087, 1997.

“Consistent Debiased Method for Converting Between Between Polar and Cartesian Coordinate Systems,” Simon Julier and Jeffrey Uhlmann, Proceedings of the 1997 SPIE Conference on Acquisition, Tracking, and Pointing, Vol. 3086, 1997.

“Constrained Routing for Strike Aircraft,” Ali Boroujerdi and Jeffrey Uhlmann, 1997 NRL Review, 1997.

New Extension of the Kalman Filter to Nonlinear Systems,” Simon Julier and Jeffrey Uhlmann, Proceedings of the 1997 SPIE Conference on Signal Processing, Sensor Fusion, and Target Recognition, Vol. 3068, 1997.

“Strike Visualization in Stereo on the Virtual Workbench,” Ranjeev Mittu and Jeffrey Uhlmann, Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Workshop on Information Technologies & Systems (WITS 1996).

“General Data Fusion for Estimates with Unknown Cross Covariances,” Jeffrey Uhlmann, Proceedings of the 1996 SPIE Conference on Signal Processing Sensor Fusion, and Target Recognition, Vol. 2755, 1996.

“New Approach to Simultaneous Localization and Map Building,” M. Csorba, J. Uhlmann, H. Durrant-Whyte, Proceedings of the 1996 SPIE Conference on Navigation and Control Technologies for Unmanned Vehicles, Vol. 2738, 1996.

SPIE-LOG,” (record of events during the 1996 SPIE AeroSense Conference), 1996.

“A New Approach for Filtering Nonlinear Systems,” Simon Julier and Jeffrey Uhlmann, Proceedings of the 1995 American Control Conference.

Dynamic Map Building and Localization: New Theoretical Foundations, Doctoral Dissertation, University of Oxford, 1995.

“Implicit Jacobians for Linearised State Estimation in Nonlinear Systems,” Ben Quine and Jeffrey Uhlmann, Proceedings of the 1995 American Control Conference.

“The Interdependent Joint Routing Problem: Description and Algorithmic Approach,” Jeffrey Uhlmann, 11th Annual Conference on Command and Control Decision Aids, Monterey, CA, 1994.

“Dynamic Map Building and Localization for Autonomous Vehicles,” Jeffrey Uhlmann, Technical Report, Dept. of Engineering Sciences, Oxford University, 5/1994.

“Radar Modeling for Strike Warfare Decision Aids,” Miguel Zuniga and Jeffrey Uhlmann, 10th Annual Conference on Command and Control Decision Aids, Washington, DC, 1993.

“Algorithms for Multiple-Target Tracking,” Jeffrey Uhlmann, American Scientist, 80:2, 1992.

“Efficient Gating in Data Association for Multivariate Gaussian Distributions,” Joseph Collins and Jeffrey Uhlmann, IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, Vol. 28, No. 3, 1992.

“A MOD LOC Vulnerability Assessment Tool,” Jeffrey Uhlmann, Proceedings of the Conference of Command and Control Decision Aids, 1992.

“Satisfying General Proximity/Similarity Queries with Metric Trees,” Jeffrey Uhlmann, Information Processing Letters, 11/1991.

Adaptive Partitioning Strategies for Ternary Trees,” Jeffrey Uhlmann, Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol. 12, 9/1991.

“Metric Trees,” Applied Mathematics Letters, Jeffrey Uhlmann, Vol. 4:5, 1991.

“Results of an Efficient Gating Algorithm for Large-Scale Tracking Scenarios,” Jeffrey Uhlmann and Miguel Zuniga, Naval Research Reviews, Issue: 1, 1991.

Aesthetic Sorting,” Applied Mathematics Letters, Jeffrey Uhlmann, Vol. 4:2, 1/1991.

“Implementing Metric Trees to Satisfy General Proximity/Similarity Queries,” Jeffrey Uhlmann, Code 5570 Technical Report, Naval Research Laboratory,  (also NRL AT-92-006)1991.

“New Approaches to Multiple Measurement Correlation for Real-Time Tracking Systems,” Joseph Collins and Jeffrey Uhlmann, 1990-1991 NRL Review, 1991.

“An Introduction to Bayesian and Neural Networks for Decision Support,” Ranjeev Mittu and Jeffrey Uhlmann, Proceedings of the Command and Control Decision Aids Conference, Joint Services Decision Aids Working Group (DAWG), Washington, DC (USA), June 26-27, 1991.

“Real-Time Decision Support with Metric Trees,” Jeffrey Uhlmann, Proceedings of the Command and Control Decision Aids Conference, Joint Services Decision Aids Working Group (DAWG), Washington, DC (USA), June 26-27, 1991.

“An Efficient General Purpose Correlation Algorithm for Multidimensional Data Fusion,” Jeffrey Uhlmann, Proceedings of the 1991 Data Fusion Symposium.

“Correlating Lines-of-Sight with Points,” Jeffrey Uhlmann, Proceedings of the SDI Tracking Panels, (edited by Gabriel Frenkel), Washington, DC (USA),  Issue: 2, July 15, 1991.

“An Implementation of a Multidimensional Tree Structure for Efficient Range Searching,” Jeffrey Uhlmann, Proceedings of the SDI Tracking Panels, 2:1991.

“Efficient Algorithm for Improved Gating Combinatorics in Multiple-Target Tracking,” Miguel Zuniga, J.M. Picone, and Jeffrey Uhlmann, NRL Memorandum Report 6691, 1991 (also under review for IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems).

``Efficient Correlation and Gating for Multiple-Target Data Fusion and Tracking," M.R. Zuniga, J.M. Picone, and J.K. Uhlmann,  Proceedings of the 1991 Joint Service Data Fusion Symposium (DFS-91), The Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory, Vol. 2, 7-11 October, 1991. 

“Efficient Approaches for Report/Cluster Correlation in Multitarget Tracking Systems,” Jeffrey Uhlmann, Miguel Zuniga, and J.M. Picone, NRL Report 9281, 1990.

“REAL Approach to Tracking and Correlation for Large-Scale Scenarios,” Joseph Collins and Jeffrey Uhlmann, 1989-1990 NRL Review, 1990.

“Tests of Gating Algorithms for the Tracking of Multiple Objects I: Theory, Requirements, and Performance Measures,” Miguel Zuniga, J.M. Picone, and Jeffrey Uhlmann, NRL Memorandum Report 6497, 1989.

“Near-Neighbor Algorithms for Processing Bearing Data,” Jay Boris, J.M. Picone, and Jeffrey Uhlmann, NRL Memorandum Report 6456, 1988.